Dr.G’s Food has a small presevative to protect during shipping, which allows us to ship this Monday through Friday. It does need to be refrigerated once it is received. |
Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs –
Essential food for small fish & soft corals. Contains nutritious lipids, amino acids & enzymes
Shell free and sterilized with no harmful microbes or chemicals
Decapsulated Brine Shrimp, also known as Artemia, eggs are a highly nutritious food source for small fish and soft corals, however the “Shells” of Brine Shrimp are not digestible and can block the intestinal tract of your fish, causing death. To safely eliminate the shells, Dr. G’s uses a procedure that oxidizes the chorion (Shell) but leaves the eggs with their healthy lipids, amino acids, and enzymes intact. An additional advantage of this oxidizing process is the complete disinfection of the eggs, eliminating any organisms that could cause infections to your aquarium. When Brine Shrimp hatch they consume most of the energy that was stored in the egg. Our removal of the shell process eliminates the hatching viability while maintaining the highly digestible energy and nutrition. Dr. G’s Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs are simply “Shell Free Eggs”, allowing you to feed pure energy to your fish-energy that would have been used in the hatching process.
Directions: When ready to use, shut off skimmer, dose, wait one hour to re-start skimmer.
Dosage: Before use, shake bottle, immerse a quarter teaspoon of Dr.G’s Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs in RO water for a few minutes, to hydrate them. Add the highly nutritious decapsulated brine shrimp eggs to your reef tank or feed directly to your baby fish. Remember a small amount of eggs go a long way, do not over feed.
Ingredients: 100% Natural Brine Shrimp Eggs, which have been decapsulated and stored in a brine solution with DI – RO water.
Storage: Do not Freeze. Keep Refrigerated between 34F – 39F (0-4 C). We process and pack Dr.G’s Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs, upon ordering by the LFS. This ensures that the eggs you receive are guaranteed fresh.
Warning: Not for Human consumption. For Coral Reef & Marine Tanks Only. Keep out of reach of children.
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