Like the Triton Core7 Base Elements, the Core7 Reef Supplements for other Methods is a complete solution to supplementing your tank with major elements like Alkalinity, Calcium and Magnesium as well as providing your corals with minor and trace elements that are commonly depleted from the tank over time, all with the goal of maintaining your Aquarium healty with a easy solution.

For those of you who can’t utilize the full Triton method, which requires a large refugium for nutrient control, you can still use Triton 4-part supplements along with your reef husbandry approach and also get the benefits of concentrated forms of major, minor and trace elements in order to maintain your tank water as close to natural seawater as possible. The Core7 Supplements for Other Methods is specifically formulated without certain elements that are beneficial for growing macroalgae in a refugium, which may not be desired when utilizing other nutrient export methods like carbon dosing, de-nitrators, GFO, water changes or really anything that doesn’t rely on algae-based filtration.
Along with that you can also use the Core7 Reef Supplements alongside of Triton ICP/OES Testing and Trace Base elements, in order to continually monitor elevated or depleted elements from your tank and get very specific recommendations for how to correct any deficiencies or elevated levels!
Accessories You May Want With Triton Core7
There are a few accessories that we would recommend, to help you utilize the Core7 Reef Supplements on your tank. Since all four parts of the reef supplements should be dosed in equal amounts, to make sure you dose them accurately, picking up a dosing pump can be a significant benefit. With that in mind, pick up the Kamoer F4 Pro option which also offers built-in wifi programmability to set the specific days and times you want to dose, to not only save from accidental overdosing, but also to maintain stable water chemistry by adding the solutions to the tank at a very slow and controlled rate plus is the best way to go ULM. However, you can always doe by your self.
Outside of dosers and dosing systems, reservoirs to hold the additives can also be a convenient accessory. Triton Core7 requires four reservoirs. Dosing containers come pre-built in all shapes and sizes, the Kamoer Systems Dosing Containers, but if you wanted to DIY your own reservoir you can also make really nice dosing containers for very little money.
Finally, since you’ll need to dial in and maintain a specific dosage of Triton Core7 Reef Supplements by following trends in alkalinity levels in your tank, you may want to pick up an easy to use test kit. We recommend the Salifert KH/ALKALINITY AQUARIUM TEST KIT as a great option as it provides accurate and really only takes a few seconds to perform.
Ready To Use Triton Core7?
One of the key components to starting the dosage to your tank is to get a good idea of your tank’s daily alkalinity consumption and make adjustments to the recommended starting dosage based on that information. Triton recommends a starting dose of 2mL per 26-gallons of water.
The primary goal of adjusting the dose to meet your specific tanks demands is to target an alkalinity level somewhere between 8 to 8.5 dKH. We recommend shooting for 8 dKH which will allow for minor fluctuations and possible errors in testing. One thing to keep in mind here, as you make adjustments to the dose, make sure to adjust each solution equally to maintain a balanced approach.
At the begging of Dosing Core7 you must check your dkh every day for the first weeks until you get the same result for several days, then only check dkh every 1 or 2 weeks to keep track of the grow on your tank mates.
Testing can be pretty easy to do by utilizing the Triton ICP/OES Tests and following the recommendations for elevated or depleted elements in your tank’s water. Ideally, you’ll want to send in a test every few months to keep up with trends in your tank’s chemistry, however, if you have specific concerns you could send one in more frequently than that to ensure your reef tank’s parameters are right where they should be.